Seriously, if God has given you leadership ability, remember what sets great leaders apart.
First, they're facilitators.
If God has given you leadership ability ...
They realise that nobody will ever be what they ought to be until they're first doing what they ought to be doing, and that the way to fulfil your calling is to help others discover and fulfil theirs. Second, they're courteous. They never look down or talk down. They don't have one set of manners for important people and another for the less important. To them, everybody is important because everybody has God-given potential; they just work to bring it out. Third, they're decisive. As a leader you'll be remembered for two things: the problems you created and the ones you solved. Yes, you'll make mistakes, so learn humility, hunger for personal growth, draw strength from God, and hopefully do it better next time.Subscribe to this blog by E-mail