For the vision... will surely come... - Habakkuk 2:3 KJV
Fulfilling your God-given vision depends on having a vision; which calls for waiting on God until He reveals His plan for you. Dedicating time and energy to it; which calls for patience and discipline. Knowing how to overcome obstacles; which calls for good management. The Bible says: 'Where there is no vision, the people perish... ' (Proverbs 29:18 NIV). Remember South Pacific's lyrics, 'If you don't have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true?' A vision gives you direction, motivation, creativity and resilience. Without one you become passive, aimless, bored, and vulnerable to quitting. God can give you a vision instantly but its fulfillment will require a lifetime of learning, practicing and managing life's daily challenges. For the next few days let's look at some vision-fulfilling principles:
Visions come with obstacles and opportunities! After decades in America, Raymond Dawson inherited his English grandparent's estate. Returning home he found a run-down farmhouse and barns on land covered with rocks. Disappointed and about to return to America, he decided to walk his worthless inheritance one final time. Pausing on a remote corner of his property he noticed a stream coming from beneath some rocks. He investigated, uncovered some hot springs, and guess what? Today he's the owner of a lucrative resort, right on the sight of his former disappointment! When you ask God for a vision, you're likely to be placed in a field of opportunities concealed under acres of obstacles; a place of possibilities hidden beneath piles of problems. Then He will stand back and watch how you engage in the ministry of obstacle management!
"The Word for Today", Bob Gass. Wednesday,
December 30th, 2009. New Zealand